Today’s Date: July 2nd, 2018

Last week, the Supreme Court decided to uphold President Trump’s discriminatory Muslim Ban. The ban targets Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Chad, Somalia, North Korea and Venezuela, six of which are Muslim majority and four of which are Arab majority countries. Trump claimed the ban was intended for national security purposes, but there is no reasonable statistical evidence for this justification. The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold this ban exemplifies the unwillingness to consider and protect marginalized Muslim and Arab populations within the United States and abroad. As a result, Muslim and Arab communities in the United States and abroad will face further marginalization and dehumanization. Below is the Arab American Heritage Council’s official statement:

On June 26th, 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) upheld Trump’s Muslim Ban which primarily targeted Arab and Muslim majority countries and their residents. The Arab American Heritage Council (AAHC) condemns this decision as it goes against all values of the organization. Moreover, this decision echoes some of darkest moments of U.S. history when the government interned thousands of its own citizens on false charges of national security due to racial bigotry and xenophobia. The Trump administration’s bigoted policies contribute to the continued racial bigotry faced by many immigrants. As a result of this decision, the United States has decided to stand on the wrong side of history and Arab and Muslim communities will face a deterioration of their rights. In conclusion, the SCOTUS decision was one based upon bigotry and ignorance, and the AAHC stands in direct opposition to it and will continue to work to create a welcoming and progressive country for all peoples.

To read more on the SCOTUS decision regarding Trump’s Muslim Ban, below are links to credible articles:

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